Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jan. 20 ride

All praise the bikepath snowplow gods!!  We've had a few 1" snowfalls lately and the streets don't get plowed because they tend to clear off from the salt and cars.  But the bike paths start piling up.  Today all was nicely plowed including the cutouts (road-sidewalk intersections).  It is so nice!  What a great city we live in.  

It's starting to get lighter at 7 am, but not light enough.  But it was a gorgeous ride home in the bright sunlight.  If you look at my previous posts you see we get more sunny days than cloudy this time of year.  The blue sky and white snow makes it very bright and cheery.  Biking every day is a great way to get out into the sunshine and keep the winter blues away.   It was 4 degrees F with NW winds at 7 mph when I left.  On the way home, it was 8 F and NNW winds at 8 mph.  I didn't wear the goggles on the way home.  That was a treat.  


  1. Barb,

    Wow, you are terrific going out in that cold every weekday. Today was 29 degrees in Atlanta and sunny. What did I do? Watch the Inauguration and not exercise. For the past few days I have not felt like doing anything. What do you think the Ground Hog will see?


  2. I always predict sunny, warm weather. So I think that means the ground hog will not see his shadow? I think I'm fighting a cold so I'm taking it easy too (I'll go to yoga tomorrow instead of my exercise class) but going out on the bike is a happiness pill for me. I can ride slow if I'm feeling tired. In Atlanta you probably get outside a lot more than we do in Wisconsin.
