Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kettle Moraine -- John Muir Trails

Here is the link to these fantastic wonderful trails.  Wow.  and only about 45 miles from my house!  Why are they fantastic?   2 reasons:  1)  they are built for mountain biking so it's all singletrack with tons of curves and berms and obstacles and  fun stuff for biking, and 2) it is absolutely beautiful Wisconsin scenery:  woods, valleys, lakes, prairies, it's all there.  just lovely.  I rode the 9 mile green loop.  That's intermediate.  I could ride these every week and probably not get tired of it.

How do these compare to all the trails I did on my southwest trip?    Sorry but that's like asking which of your kids you love more.  As fabulous as these trails are, it was also very fun to ride in Palo Duro, Oklahoma City, and Albuqueque. And also Castlewood outside of St. Louis.  and Flagstaff, AZ.


  1. Very nice - I'm hoping to head up there this weekend. It'll be my first time, but I hear it's a bit more maintained than some other trails in the 2-hour vicinity. Hoping the rain holds off!

  2. I was just there last weekend. It is so pretty, I really enjoy it! I'm riding the blue loop now. It's not much harder than the green loop.
